We translate all types of texts for the financial sector, including financial and credit documents, contracts and agreements, presentations and specifications of financial products, reports and documents for the Czech National Bank, annual reports, laws, regulations, and various legal texts.
We provide interpreting for meetings, seminars, conferences, and specialized training events as well as interpreting by court-appointed interpreters.
Selection of Translators and Proofreaders
Our translators and proofreaders include linguistically proficient business lawyers, certified translators with legal qualifications, finance experts, and other specialists with hands-on experience in their field of expertise.
Certified Translation – Where necessary, translated texts are certified by a court-appointed translator. Our pool of translators includes a team of certified interpreters. Certified translations undergo a special verification process that eliminates any chance of inconsistency or formal inaccuracy. As with all our services, certified translations are available on an express basis.
Information Security System – The system protects our clients’ confidential information against loss and misuse throughout all stages of the translation process. The system is fully compliant with the ISO/IEC 27001 international standard. Since January 2010, the system has been regularly recertified by an independent auditor at the prescribed frequency.
Our clients are leading companies from all segments of the financial sector.
They include major banks and insurance companies, investment funds, securities traders, and leasing companies. In addition, we provide services to clients from related fields, such as auditors, tax consultants, and law firms.
Examples of Partnerships:
Commerzbank AG: Our partnership is based on a global master agreement. We regularly provide translation services to the Czech branch and prepare various language combinations of documents for the head office in Germany and branches in several other European countries. An example of our services is the translation of a large number of financial documents from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
Expobank CZ: We have an all-inclusive partnership with Expobank in the Czech Republic, which includes the translation of a wide variety of documents, including texts relating to the bank’s products. The partnership began when Dresdner Bank entered the Czech market in 1992, and it has continued as the bank’s owners have changed – BAWAG Bank CZ a.s. (2004), LBBW Bank CZ a.s. (2008), and Expobank CZ a.s. (2014).
Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny: The partnership with Česká spořitelna’s Building and Loan Association began when SSČS was founded in 1994 and has continued until today. Our services include the translation of agreements, product specifications, and corporate documents, interpreting at Europe-wide conferences of building societies organized by SSČS, and the rental of interpreting equipment.
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