
We possess extensive experience with the translation of all types of legal texts, including correspondence, litigation, arbitration, agreements, notarial deeds, laws, regulations, and other legal texts.


  • Specialized legal texts
  • Law-related publications
  • Transcriptions and translations of audio from litigations and arbitrations
  • Confidential documents
  • Certified translations and interpreting
  • Express service

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Translators and Interpreters

  • All our associates are language specialists from the country for which a given text is intended.
  • Our translators and proofreaders includelinguistically proficient lawyers, certified translators with legal qualifications, business experts, and specialists with hands-on experience in their field of expertise.
  • Our pool of associates includes a team of certified interpreters.

Information Security

Our information security system is certified under the ISO/IEC 27001 international standard. It protects our clients’ confidential information against loss and misuse throughout all stages of the translation process. Since January 2010, the system has been regularly recertified by an independent auditor at the prescribed frequency..

Our Clients

Our services are used by over 70 Czech and international law firms, independent attorneys, and notaries public. In addition, we cater to clients from sectors closely related to the legal profession, such as banks, auditors, and tax consultants. Our client portfolio includes:

Examples of Partnerships:

Alexander J. Bělohlávek:

As part of our lasting partnership with Professor Bělohlávek, we have translated a large number of his specialized legal texts and publications. These have included translating, proofreading, and editing the book “Consumer Arbitration” into English, Polish, and Russian.

Pražská plynárenská:

We provided comprehensive language support during the sale of ownership interests in Pražská plynárenská. Our services included interpreting during all stages of the negotiations, ranging from informal introductory talks to meetings of top executives who approved the transaction. We were responsible for preparing bilingual versions of all purchase and credit agreements, and for updating them in line with the progress during the negotiations. At the end of the process, the final bilingual documentation was officially certified.

CYIL and CYArb Yearbooks:

Since 2010, we have been a part of the Czech Yearbook project, which currently includes the Czech Yearbook of International Law and the Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration, both published by New York-based Juris Publishing Inc. Our partnership consists of translating and proofreading contributions to both publications.

KMVS, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.:

KMVS is an example of a client who systematically relies on our all-inclusive language support. The law firm uses external translators to create all of its multilingual documents and to translate large-scope Czech texts. The advantages of this arrangement include promptness, reliability, quality, and, no less importantly, cost effectiveness.

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