
Our services cover all types of texts commonly used in the technology sector, including the translation and localization of technical documentation and operation and maintenance manuals for various devices and systems. Technical texts are translated with the aid of CAT tools, which ensures long-term terminological and stylistic consistency and reduces the cost and duration of the translation process.

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We carry out large-scale projects that involve translating texts from one source language to several target languages. Our services include the compilation of glossaries and the management of uniform terminologies in all translated languages.

Apart from technical texts, we translate all other types of documents, such as advertising and marketing texts, corporate governance documents, annual reports, official documents, and laws and regulations. We offer a comprehensive array of interpreting services for all segments of the technology sector.

Our clients are manufacturing and trading companies from all segments of the electronics and mechanical engineering industries, including the automotive, IT, production machinery, and medical equipment segments. We also cater to suppliers, importers, and traders.

Translation services for clients from the construction industry are another important part of our portfolio. A typical example is the translation of texts related to specific construction projects. We translate websites, promotional materials, specifications, documents for tendering procedures, expert assessments, design documents, specialist reports, zoning and building permit applications, and various types of agreements.

Selection of Translators and Proofreaders

In the translation and localization of technical texts, we rely on linguistically proficient engineers from the applicable industrial segment as well as on translators with long-term experience in the relevant field of expertise, mostly native speakers of the target language.


Examples of Partnerships

FFG EUROPE: Our all-inclusive services comprise translating operation and maintenance manuals for machine tools and their control systems as well as various other technical documents into numerous languages.

Siemens Mobility, Vectron Locomotives: We provide the translation of technical texts and the localization of a wide range of technical documents for locomotive operation and maintenance into several European languages.

BEZNOSKA: Translation of all language versions of documents for joint replacement (package inserts, surgical instructions, certificates, permits, agreements, etc.) for the needs of a successful Czech manufacturer’s expansion to foreign markets.

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